Importing Media Files into Sources

If required, you can create a video or audio source that does not contain a media file. This may be useful when you want to prepare the transcript first and import the media later.

To import a media file into an existing video or audio source:

  1. Create a new video/audio source or open an existing source (one that does not contain a media file).

  2. On the Media menu, clickImport Media Content.

The Open Media File dialog box is displayed.

  1. Click the required file.

  2. Click the Open button.

Depending on the import setting currently selected, the media file will either become embedded or not embedded within NVivo upon import. Refer to Importing Audio and Video for more information.

Once imported into the audio or video source, you will not be able to remove the media file or the path to the file within the source. However, if required, you can create a copy of the audio or video source and exclude the media file from the copied version. Refer to Copying Audio and Video Sources for more information.

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