Working in Your Sources

The sources of data for your project may be gathered in a variety of different ways, be in a number of different formats or represent very different types of data. NVivo provides different types of sources which reflect these differences in your project's data:

Naming and Describing Your Sources

Names matter! You will want to recognize a source easily. The longer the name, the harder it is to recognize and it is particularly difficult to handle many names that start with the same words (e.g. “ interview with” ). Pay careful attention to the naming scheme that you apply to your sources, and consider how to make use of folders to manage the different sorts of sources you have.

In the Volunteering Sample Project

You can use a source's description to record details that will assist your recall, offer important context or record reflective comments.

In the Volunteering Sample Project

Formatting Your Sources

It is important to carefully format and place content while preparing your data records, as this will significantly increase their readability and will also impact your ability to make use of functionality related to this structure. NVivo provides a number of ways to structure the content of your sources. These include:

Making Links in Source Content

When you are reading or reflecting on content of your sources, there will be many occasions when you wish to record that you should "See Also" another source, or some of its content, or an item outside your project. By placing these links you ensure that a comparison will be remembered, or a relevant piece of evidence followed.

In the Volunteering Sample Project

Annotating Your Sources

An annotation can be placed in the content of any source to record brief comments attached to particular places in the content. Annotations are valuable for ensuring that your ideas about your data are stored at their context without interrupting the flow of your source. Their uses will differ across projects.

In the Volunteering Sample Project

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