About Charts

For easier analysis, you can create 2D and 3D charts to visually present your coding or display your matrix query results. For example, you might want to present how your cases are divided into Age Groups:



You can view project data information by moving your mouse over each element in the chart. You can also double-click on a chart element to open the related source or node in Detail View.

When there is not enough space to fully display the chart legend, a partial legend is displayed with the text 'more...' at the bottom. You can make more space for the legend by re-sizing or undocking the Detail View—refer to Customizing the Workspace for more information.


Using the Chart Wizard, you can generate colorful charts to:

Various chart display types are available in 2D or 3D styles including pie, bar, column, heat map, bubble chart and radar. Refer to What Type of Chart Should I Use? for more information.

Chart formatting options include angle adjustments for 3D charts, color palette for titles and labels, and selecting grid lines to display/hide. Refer to Formatting Charts for details.


Although you cannot save a generated chart within your project, you can copy it to paste in a memo, create a picture source or export it as an image or PDF. Refer to Copying and Exporting Charts for details.

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