Source Summary

This report lists the sources in the project. For each source, it shows source properties and statistics, including the number of nodes and cases that code the source.

Source statistics vary depending on the type of source—for example, document source statistics include the total number of words and paragraphs, and media source statistics show the duration of the recording and the total number of transcript rows and words.

To run a source summary report:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Reports.

  2. Click the Source Summary option.

The Customize Source Summary Report dialog box is displayed.

  1. Select the required options  





    Select which sources are included in the scope of the report.

    • Choose All Sources to include all project sources in your report

    • Choose Selected Sources to select specific sources to include in your report

    Click theInclude source description check box to include the description as defined in the source properties.

    Name format

    Select to display the name (Project Journal) or to include the hierarchical name (Documents/Project Notes/Project Journal).

    Order by

    Choose to order the sources alphabetically by name or by the source type and name (Externals/Focus Group Audio)

  2. Click OK.

The Report Viewer is displayed.

  1. Click the Print toolbar button to print the report.

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