Importing Projects

You can merge projects by opening a 'target' project and importing another project or selected parts of another project.  For example, you could import an existing project's node structure (without the coded content) into a new project, or you could import all sources and coding created by a particular user.

Only projects created in the same version of NVivo can be merged. You can convert a project from an earlier version of NVivo to your current version, refer to Opening Projects from Previous Versions for more information.

Duplicate project items are not imported. More information  

When you import content, you decide how you want to handle duplicates—you can choose to merge the duplicates or create new project items. More information about these options:

Where a source, model or query is not a duplicate, but has the same name and location, the item is imported as a new item and renamed with an appended number—for example, Interview with Sally would be imported asInterview with Sally (2).

How project properties (including user profiles) are handled during import

You can choose to:

Import an entire project

Import selected project structures

Import selected project structures and content  


It is a good idea to make a copy of the target project before importing all or part of another project into it. Refer to Copying and Backing Up Projects for more information.

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