Importing Pictures

You can import files in the following formats: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, or .tiff.

To import the pictures:

  1. In Navigation View, click the Sources button.

  1. Click the Internals folder, and then select the destination folder.

  2. On the Project menu, click Import Internals.

The Import Internals dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the Import from field, click the Browse button.

  2. In the Look in list, select the file you want to import. Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple files or the SHIFT key to select a range of files.

  3. Click the Open button.

The selected files are displayed in the Import from field.

  1. Select the required options  


    Select this option to...


    Create descriptions

    This option is not available for pictures.

    Code sources at new cases located under

    Code the entire source at a new case. For example, if a picture is a photo of Mary Smith you could code the picture source at a new case Mary Smith.

    By default, NVivo will store the new case in the Cases root folder.

    To specify an alternate location for the new case:

    1. Click the Select button.

    The Select Location dialog box is displayed.

    1. On the left, select Cases to add the new case under a selected parent case.

    1. On the right, click the required case.

    2. Click OK.

    Create as read-only

    Import the file as read-only and prevent changes to the picture resolution and log entries.

    Making the picture source read-only does not prevent users from coding or uncoding the picture.

    You can disable the read-only function after you have imported the file by clearing the check box in Picture Properties. Refer to Viewing Picture Properties for details.



  2. Click OK.

The imported pictures are created as picture sources.



  1. Right-click inList View.

  2. Click Import Internals.


All picture files are converted to JPEG format when they are imported as picture sources. The files also retain this format when they are exported out of NVivo.

If you have notes about the image in a document or text file stored outside NVivo, you can import these into the picture source — refer to Importing Log Entries for more information.

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