What are Nodes?

Your project needs places not just for its data sources but for the ideas that you bring to it and themes you generate from the data. As you work with your sources, you will gather and explore existing and new categories for thinking about them.

Nodes are containers for these ideas within your NVivo project and contain the evidence within your sources supporting them. Creating and exploring nodes is a way to think 'up' from the data and arrive at higher level explanations and accounts.

Coding is the process by which you nominate a portion of a source which relates to a node.  

Different Types of Nodes

NVivo provides different types of nodes which are suited to different types of ideas and concepts you are likely to represent in your project:

You may have determined some of the themes or topics you want to represent as nodes in your project prior to exploring your sources, perhaps as a result of your prior investigation into the literature or the key areas in your interview questions.  As you work through your sources, you may find a number of additional themes or topics that you also want to represent as nodes.

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