Modelling Your Project

Models are a way of illustrating and clarifying your ideas and of allowing you to reflect on different ways of seeing your data.  During your analysis, models may be useful as aids to seeing links between concepts or items in your project, or as ways of reporting and demonstrating them.

Consider using models for the following purposes from the earliest stages of a project:

In the Volunteering Sample Project

In the Volunteering Sample Project

In the Volunteering Sample Project

Working with Model Content

You can represent possible issues or factors in your model using shapes and choose to link these to project items (i.e. sources, tree nodes, relationships) as you create them in your project. On the other hand, you can construct a model using existing items in your project to provide an alternate view of the concepts in your data.

NVivo provides a number of ways to format and work with the content of your models, including:



Adding associations between project items  

Dynamic Models

Any shapes you link to project items in your model are 'live' to those items.  This means that you can open the item from within the model. Also, if you change an item in any way after it has been linked to a shape in a model, these changes are reflected in the model (i.e. if you change the name of a source which is linked to a shape in a model, the name of the shape in the model will also change).

In the Volunteering Sample Project  

Static Models

Static models provide a way of showing the development of ideas, concepts and categories throughout your project.  You can create a static version of a model which no longer retains links between shapes and any project items they are linked to.  Therefore, this static model can show a snap shot of your project at a specific point in time, as the shapes linked to project items will not change.

In the Volunteering Sample Project  

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