Asking Questions of Your Project

In the process of your analysis, you may want to search, filter, focus and selectively interrogate your data, rather than always working with all of your data. Asking questions from the very beginning of your project before you have recorded all your data or coded sources fully can usefully inform redesign of your project (Do I need to gather additional sources of data? Should I re-frame the questions in that section?).

Different Types of Questions

You will need to ask a variety of different questions of your data throughout your project. Different types of questions are best addressed using particular types ofNVivo functionality, for example:

How to Set Up My Questions in NVivo?

It is important to have a very clear idea of what you are asking to know which NVivo functionality to use and how to use it.  The following steps may assist you:

  1. State the common-language question you wish to ask

  2. Select the appropriate functionality for that question

  3. Restate your question in terms of the processes it requires. Step logically through each process

  4. Carefully state the answer, accurately recording what it tells you

In the Volunteering Sample Project

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