Compressing Pictures

You can adjust the compression of the picture in a picture source. This is a useful tool in reducing the overall size of the file while retaining an acceptable quality.

To compress a picture:

  1. Open the required picture source in Detail View.

  2. On the Picture menu, select Compress.

The Picture Compression dialog box is displayed.

  1. Use the slider to adjust the compression. Note that the greater the compression, the lower the quality of the picture.

  2. Compare the New Size against the Current Size to see the change in file size.

  3. Check the quality of the preview image provided for the effects of the change in compression.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the change in file size and picture quality, click OK.


Once you have compressed a picture, you can revert back to its original setting using the Undo button in the Edit menu. You can only undo the last 5 changes made since you last saved your project. Once you save the project, your changes are locked in.

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