Compacting and Repairing Projects

You can use the Compact and Repair facility when a project is performing slowly or behaving unpredictably. Projects can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently —especially if they contain large numbers of sources and coding references.

To ensure optimal performance, you should compact and repair your NVivo projects on a regular basis.

To compact and repair a project:

  1. On the File menu, click Close Project to close the currently open project.

  2. On the Tools menu, click the Compact and Repair option.

TheSelect Project dialog box is displayed.

  1. Locate and select the project you want to compact and repair.

  2. Click the Open button.

The Compact and Repair facility performs project maintenance and optimization.

If there are inconsistencies in your project, you may get a dialog box detailing this out and asking if you wish to proceed or cancel the operation. You might want to create a backup of your project before clicking Yes to proceed. Refer to Copying and Backing Up Projects for details.

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