Adding Hyperlinks

To create a hyperlink in a document, memo or external:

  1. Open the required source—its content is displayed in Detail View.

  2. Select the text you want to link from.

  3. On the Links menu, click Hyperlink.

  4. Click New Hyperlink.

The New Hyperlink dialog box is displayed.

  1. Enter the required web site address or click the Browse button to locate a file.

  2. Click OK.


  1. Right-click the required text.

  2. Click the Links option.

  3. Click Hyperlink.

  4. Click the New Hyperlink option.

You can use externals as an efficient way of managing the hyperlinks in your project. Refer to About Hyperlinks for more information.

URLs are automatically hyperlinked in audio/video transcripts and picture logs.

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