About 'See Also' Links

You can use 'See Also' links to remind you of the connections between project items. You can link a portion of one item's content to a whole item or to its selected content. For example, you might link a passage in Anna's interview transcript to:

When you create a 'See Also' link from selected text, it is displayed with a red highlight.  From a selected audio or video timespan, it is displayed with a red bar on top. From a selected region of an image in a picture source, it is displayed as a red shade. View sample

See Also Links in...

Displayed as...



Audio/Video timeline



You can adjust the shading density of the linked picture region. Refer to Adjusting Picture Region Shading for more information.

A source can have any number of 'See Also' links.

You can view and manage 'See Also' links in the See Also Links folder—in Navigation View, click the Links button.

You can also create a 'See Also' link from the text in a node—the link is added to the source's content.

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